....... to my website. As you will see, I am descended from quite a variety of people. Clicking on the yellow flowers will take you to a page with pictures or documents of that family and/or a little of its history. The small boy and girl at the bottom will take you to overall indexes of all the names on this site.
Data files have been much updated 20 Feb 2005 !
A lot of new people and new information.
"Pennsylvania Dutch"
The Pennsylvania Germans - just some of my thoughts on the subject.
This is my main paternal line and includes SCHULTZ, KELLER, DIETRICH, KUNTZ, BISCHOFF going straight back, and a large number of other Pennsylvania German names from related lines, especially Barnett (Barnhart), Cassel, Eberman, Eichholtz, Ensminger, Gensemer, Heffelfinger, Hirsch, Leebrich, Saltzgeber, Schaffner, Schlosser, Strohecker, Wolfersberger, Ziegler. Various branches of this family were in and around Lancaster, Lebanon, Dauphin, and Berks counties for at least five generations before my own branch moved to Western Pennsylvania. Several of these, on which I have enough information, have pages of their own which tell some of their stories (sometimes more than one family is combined on a page):
This is one of my paternal grandmother's lines, which also started out Pennsylvania German but did not connect to the one above until much later. At least in my line, which uses the spelling LUPHER, they moved very early to Western Pennsylvania and mostly married women of New England origin, which leads to the next group. However I also have a large amount of information on other branches, including the one which remained much longer in Perry County and the descendants of which mostly continue to use the original spelling LUPFER.
All of these are families which had been in New England since the early seventeenth century; my ancestors among them came to Northwestern PA, in the case of PERKINS by way of upstate New York, in the early nineteenth century. These are lines of my paternal grandmother's mother's family. Among the many related names included in their genealogy are FOSKETT, GLOVER, POWELL, STEARNS.
My greatgrandmother Rosetta LUPHER, who came from a combination of Pennsylvania Dutch and New England lines, married Chandler Price TAYLOR, from a branch of that family then in Ohio. This family is said to be derived from the Virginia TAYLORs but I do not regard that as very well established very far back, and have not put it in here. Chandler Taylor's parents were George Washington TAYLOR and Frances Kendall AYRES; the AYRES are also said to be of Virginia origin.
Moorhouse of Yorkshire is my mother's paternal line; although my grandfather immigrated to the United States in the late nineteenth century, this family can be found in Yorkshire in the area of Kirkburton and Hepworth well back into the seventeenth century.
Whitehouse of Staffordshire is my mother's maternal line; they also came to the US in the late nineteenth century. I have not yet traced them as far back as Moorhouse, and for now I have combined the two families; those who click on the flower above and look at the picture will see why.
Notes - please read:
Genealogy Data Last Updated: 20 February 2005. All additions and corrections to the data that I have received since September 2002 have been included. Please let me know of any errors or problems.
This site is, as they say, under construction. More will be added in time as I find out more. I have tried to include only things of which I am reasonably sure but if anyone finds anything that they believe to be wrong, I want to hear about it.
I believe that genealogy should be documented, but stylistically I do not want to burden my narratives with references to documentation; that is just not my style. Particularly with my direct lines and those close to them, I often have more information than I can display here. If you believe you are related, please contact me. - jaf
Living People: There are no living people on this site. They are not here as 'Living' or 'Private' or any of that; I don't believe in it. They are not here at all. So if you can't find yourself or your parents, or even grandparents, it doesn't necessarily mean I don't know about your line. If you believe you are connected, contact me and we shall see. - jaf
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