Lupher Family
My ancestor John Lupher, as he became known, was the second son of Hans Jacob Lupfer, whose birth, on 4 May 1762 as Johannes Lupfer, is listed in the old Bible that is shown on the Lupfer/Lupher/Luper main page.  He was born in Berks County, PA but later moved with his parents to Cumberland County (the part that is now Perry County, near New Bloomfield).   As a young man, John fought in the Revolution, joining the Cumberland County militia at the age of 16.   It is said that he did not fight the British but was sent to what was then the frontier, in Western Pennsylvania, to fight Indians.  So he became familar with that area.

John returned to Cumberland County after the war, where he married Margaret Barnett 1761-1832, a daughter of Thomas Barnett (born Johann Thomas Bernhard) and Margaret Pentz.  There is something of a Romeo and Juliet story connected with the marriage of these two, who were my 4th greatgrandparents. John's father, the immigrant Jacob Lupfer, was a farmer and miller, as was Margaret's father, his close neighbor.   They both had mills on the same stream, and Jacob Lupfer's was the upstream one.   In dry years there was not enough water to operate both mills, Lupfer took most of it, and Barnett sued.   The litigation went on for years and is documented in the Pennsylvania Archives.


The marriage of John and Margaret is said to have outraged both fathers, as one can well imagine,  and the resulting family ill-will is thought to be one of the reasons the young couple went West.   Be that as it may, go West they did, first to Allegheny County and later to what is now Venango County.   They had the following children:

Jacob Lupher 1782 - 1874, married

1st Martha Elizabeth Hill 1797-1846

2nd ? Smith ?-1860
Rebecca 'Betsey' Lupher 1788 - 1854, married

William Smith 1785-1858
John Lupher 1790 - 1880, married

1st Mary 'Polly' Allerton 1787-1836

2nd Jane Gibson Bennet 1793 - 1863

3rd Nancy Marley
Thomas Lupher 1792 - 1885, married

1st Elizabeth 'Eliza' Cousins ca 1792 - 1834

(Thomas and Eliza were my 3rd greatgrandparents)

2nd Mary Ann Douglas

3rd Lucinda ??
Mary 'Polly' Lupher 1798 - 1879, married

Robert Smith 1787 - 1853
Henry Lupher 1799 - 1853, married

1st Mary Myers ? - 1824

2nd Hannah Vanmeter ? - 1861

Thomas Lupher 1784-1885 was my 3rd greatgrandfather.   It is difficult to find much in the way of records about him, but he had at least three wives and there is suspicion of a fourth.  In any case his first wife, Eliza Cousins ca 1792-1834, was the mother of most of his children and my 3rd greatgrandmother.   I have just recently learned that she was a daughter of William Cousins, born in Ireland in 1755 and his wife Mary Ann ??.  My first Irish ancestor, and that is all I know so far.  Thomas and Eliza had the following children:

Margaret 'Peggy' Lupher 1812 - 1880, married

William Hays, Jr 1806 - 1885
Henry Lupher 1814 - 1878 married

Lavina Crouch 1822 - 1876 (my 2nd greatgrandparents)
Mary 'Polly' Lupher 1818 - ?, married

George B. Williamson
William Lupher 1820 - 1844, married

Nancy McFarland
Elizabeth 'Betsy' Lupher 1821 - ?, married

Robert Gillispie
Thomas A. Lupher 1826 - 1900, married

1st Mary Ann Whitman 1823 - 1891

2nd Frances Hanselman
David Lupher 1828 - 1890, married

Mary Celia Badger 1834 - 1890
Hannah Lupher 1832 - 1833

Eliza Cousins Lupher died in 1834 and Thomas was married a second time, to Mary Ann Douglas.  With her he had three more children:

Julia Ann Lupher 1837 - ?
Clarinda Lupher 1841 - ?
Levi Lupher 1847 - ?

After Mary Ann's death Thomas was apparently married a third time, to a Lucinda ?, but had no more children as far as I know.

Henry Lupher 1814-1878 was my greatgreatgrandfather.   He lived in Townville, Crawford county, with his wife Lavina Crouch 1822-1876, who was from an old New England family that had been in Crawford County for a couple of generations.  Henry and Lavina had the following children:

Adelia Violetta Lupher 1838 - 1917, married

Thomas Burling Coburn ? - ca 1912
Adoniram Judson Lupher 1841 - 1913, married

Almira Williams 1846 - 1939
William Addison Lupher 1844 - 1922, married

Antoinette Eliza Little 1850 - 1936
James Melvin Lupher 1846 - 1924, married

1st Theresa C. Baker ca 1858 - ca 1916

2nd Myrtle Dunham 1868 - 1959
Rosetta Elizabeth Lupher 1851 - 1929, married

1st John Delos Gilson 1843 - 1874

2nd Chandler Price Taylor 1844 - 1897 (my greatgrandfather)

3rd Hart Osborn 1844 - 1925
Sophina Alsina Lupher 1854 - 1935, married

Ellison A. Oakes 1856 - 1907
Eva Adina Lupher 1858 - 1929, married

Henry 'Harry' J. Rouche 1855 - 1929

All seven of these children may be seen in the photograph below, probably taken about 1900, when of course they were no longer children:

Adoniram Judson William Addison James Melvin
Eva Adina
Sophina Alsina
Rosetta Elizabeth
Delia Violetta
More pictures of most of these, and their descendants, may be seen on the Old Lupher Photos page, where a little more of their stories is told.


Old Lupher Photos
Crouch Page
Crouch Page
Surnames Index
Home Page

Rosetta Lupher
Lupher main page
Lupfer/Lupher/Luper Mainpage
Persons Index


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